


At ACPHS, all employees - including Resident Assistants - are considered Mandatory Reporters. Mandatory reporters are required to report all details of an incident of sexual misconduct or sexual harassment, including the identity of the victim and the perpetrator, 事件发生的日期和地点, and details regarding the incident if known, to the 第九条 Official(s) for purposes of initiation of an investigation and appropriate action.


If you think a student is about to share with you information regarding an incident of sex or gender-based misconduct, you should stop the conversation and explain your responsibilities for reporting these types of incidents before they disclose it.

For example: “You stated you wanted to talk to me about something private and have asked if I could keep it between the two of us. 作为学院的雇员, I am required to notify professional staff when serious incidents occur, such as incidents of sex or gender-based misconduct. I am not able to hold information like that in 信心, 但我能倾听, 告诉你你的选择, and direct you to staff that can provide the specialized attention that is needed to address your concern. 你的隐私将得到尊重, and we will work with you so that you can determine what is best for you. Would you still like to talk about it with me?”

如果学生的回答是“不” ... direct them to other available resources. Please see the 资源文件 on the sidebar of this page. If a student is looking for support without making a formal complaint to the College, refer them to an on or off-campus confidential support resource.

如果学生的回答是"是" ... follow the Three Important Steps listed below.


作为一个负责任的员工, if an individual discloses an incident of sex or gender-based misconduct, you are REQUIRED by law (第九条) to report all known details of information to the 第九条协调员. The only exception to this mandated reporting are licensed professional staff in the Office of Counseling and Wellness or the Student Health Services Office.

Mandatory reporters should follow these three important steps:


Ensure the student is safe and provide non-judgmental support.


  • 有直接的危险吗?? If so, contact Public Safety at 518-244-3177.
  • 有受伤吗??
  • Does the survivor need/want any medical attention?


  • Ask if they want to talk about it or tell their story.
    • “Would you like to talk about what happened?”, “You can tell me as little or as much as you would like.” Remember: They need to be aware of your reporting responsibilities before asking this question.
  • Consider privacy and the sense of security.
    • “这是个谈话的好地方吗??”
  • 一旦幸存者透露, personal issues and concerns should be set aside in the interests of assisting someone who has sought your support, 信心, 和帮助.
  • 确认他们的关注点. Realize they are most likely experiencing anxiety, 恐惧, 不确定性, and possible shock from their experience.
    • “I’m sorry this happened to you”, “How can I help you best?”, “Thank you for coming to me and trusting me enough to share this with me. It was a brave decision and it can be painful and scary to talk about it.”
  • 保持冷静. 做几个深呼吸. 让他们带一些去吗. 
  • Use their language and avoid labeling the experience.
  • 使用“could”而不是“should”."


  • Avoid investigating or asking “why” questions. 这会让人感觉像是责备. You’re role isn’t to find out all the details, but to connect them with resources and support services.
  • 不要做出保证或承诺.
  • 避免这样的陈述:
    • “你确定事情就是这样吗??”
    • “你为什么要那样做??“你为什么去那里??”
    • “你穿的是什么??”
    • “You should report this”, “You should get a forensic exam done.”
    • “我不敢相信他们会这么做.  他们是如此伟大的人.” 


Restate your reporting duties and refer the individual to resources. This website and its documents within can assist you in reviewing those options.

例如: “Thank you again for sharing your story with me. 我知道这很难. I care about your well-being and would like to provide you with the best resources I know to support you. I am responsible to report this information to the 第九条协调员. She will contact you to offer support and guidance and is well versed in what options you have for support and reporting the incident, 你是否应该选择.” 


The 第九条协调员s are individuals who by law (第九条) have remedial authority to address sexual misconduct complaints on behalf of the institution. The 第九条协调员 will review options and resources with the reporting individual, explain their options for making formal complaints either with the College or with local law enforcement, and other rights of the reporting individual. 为本政策之目的, the administrative officials identified on the sidebar of this page (第九条协调员s) are designated to receive sexual misconduct complaints and, 如果合适的话, to investigate those complaints with the College.